Privacy Policy

The PrimeXBT Privacy Policy sets forth the comprehensive guidelines and principles for handling, safeguarding, and using personal data collected from users. These guidelines ensure compliance with legal requirements, protect user privacy, and maintain transparency in data processing activities. Below is an in-depth explanation of each aspect outlined in the privacy policy:

  1. Data Collection and Its Purpose

PrimeXBT gathers personal data necessary to meet contractual obligations, adhere to legal requirements, provide requested services, enhance service offerings, personalize user experience on the platform, and ensure service security. This data collection allows PrimeXBT to offer, tailor, and improve its services based on user interactions and preferences.

  1. Categories of Collected Data
  • General Data: Includes unique identifiers, browser settings, device configurations, operating system details, mobile network information, application versions, and interaction details with the service.
  • User-Specific Data: To create an account, users provide a username, email, and password. Additional information like name, contact details, birth date, financial details, occupation, location, trading experience, and risk tolerance may also be requested to deliver customized services.
  • Platform Activity: Includes information on traded products, historical trade data, user preferences, and interactions within the platform.
  • KYC Documents: For compliance with anti-money laundering regulations, identification documents such as passports, driver’s licenses, national ID cards, utility bills, source of funds confirmations, and other relevant documents may be required.
  1. Cookie Usage

PrimeXBT uses cookies to identify users, enhance website functionality, and for analytical purposes. By accessing and using the PrimeXBT site, users agree to the use of cookies, which helps in providing more personalized content and advertisements.

  1. Utilization of Personal Data

The collected data is used to deliver, maintain, and improve services, fulfill user requests, conduct research and development of new services, detect and prevent fraud, personalize services including targeted advertising, and communicate with users about products, services, offers, and events.

  1. Sharing Personal Data

PrimeXBT may share personal data with third-party service providers, introducing brokers, affiliates, payment processors, auditors, regulatory bodies, and others as necessary to deliver services, comply with legal obligations, or with user consent. This sharing includes administrative, IT, analytics, financial, regulatory compliance, and marketing optimization purposes.

  1. International Data Transfers

Personal data may be transferred to and processed in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). PrimeXBT ensures that these transfers are carried out securely and in compliance with legal requirements and privacy policy standards.

  1. Data Security Measures

PrimeXBT is dedicated to implementing and maintaining appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, protecting personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access.

  1. User Rights

Users have rights regarding their personal data, including the right to be informed about data collection, access their personal data, request rectification of inaccuracies, and more. PrimeXBT provides mechanisms for users to exercise these rights.

  1. Policy Updates

PrimeXBT reserves the right to amend the Privacy Policy as necessary. Users will be notified of any significant changes through updates posted on the website or via email.

  1. Contact Details

For any questions or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy, users can contact PrimeXBT through the provided contact details, ensuring a means of communication for privacy-related matters.

This comprehensive overview highlights PrimeXBT’s dedication to privacy, data protection, and regulatory compliance, ensuring that user personal data is handled with care and transparency​​.